
On day two of my placement some unexpected changes came about. Read here.

As this article states, Northland is suffering from a lot of cut backs needing to happen. In light of this, Adrian, my supervisor decided to step down. In doing this, the university could use a faculty member to cover his coordinator position. I am not going to comment on my opinion of what is happening, but I am disappointed that I won't be able to directly work with Adrian throughout this summer. However, because I do live next door to him, he isn't far away and we will keep in touch. Adrian also offered to stay on as my supervisor without the role of coordinator with me as I go through my project.

Picture borrowed from TWA's website.
So what happens now? A faculty member will take over the TWA coordinator position. Until then, I am acting as the "Assistant Coordinator." The title makes me feel pretty vital to this transition time in TWA's history.

Will my project change? How will I be incorporated in the transition of coordinators? This is all things I am not sure of yet. For now I am continuing with my work plan and assisting in anyway possible. One part of this is putting together contact information for facilities that house captive wolves! I even had the opportunity to write a request for sponsorship for Wolf Awareness Week! It is being reviewed now and might be used to mail to the facilities I developed contact information for! So if you are interested in being a sponsor, let me know and I can get you the information! Also if you are interested in purchasing the Wolf Awareness Posters, pre-order is happening now!

As for being an up-north resident, I had a few firsts this week

  • First tick :(
  • First mowing of a lawn
  • First black bear sighting
Check back soon for more insights into my experience! 


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